Sunday, September 29, 2013

Live Casino Game - KWIN

Live casino game such as blackjack may feature two (2) types of dealers. The emergence of such options opens more opportunities for the players to enjoy the game and fatten their bankroll in an instant. 

However, members must know how they work or function to avoid misunderstandings and confusion. 

Individualized live dealer blackjack
This feature greatly resembles that of blackjack played in land-based casinos. Therefore, the number of players that can join is usually limited to seven. 

When the required number of players is met, other members are prevented to join the table. Instead, they are asked to wait until another player leaves. Take note that while it is true that this option allows 7 players, there are online casinos that will close the table whenever there are already 6 members that are ready to play. 

It is also important to note that under this category, each and every participating player has their own hands to play with. They are also allowed to split, stand or make a hit before the next player makes his or her move. 

Collective or public blackjack
This option also uses live games. However, instead of giving each player their own hand, what happens is that the dealer has three (3) hands used by all of the participating members. In this category, they only need to choose the hand, which they think, will guarantee a win. 

Members have the options to wager for a single hand or if they are feeling lucky, they can go for the three hands. Meanwhile, when it comes to splitting and doubling, it is the dealer that performs the said move. In other words, the members’ only task in this particular  live game variant is to have guess the outcome. It is the dealer that performs the actual playing of the hands dealt. 

Blackjack, aside from being the only casino game that can be beaten legally, is also filled with different options or variants. For players, it is best that they exploit the unique features of these variants and use it to their advantage.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Best Online Casino.Start to play and get winnings. - iAgencyNet

To some, the proliferation of online casinos is a dilemma, which can readily affect the operations of the land-based ones. Others worry about how it will impact the lives of players now that it has become more accessible. 
Although the above-mentioned concerns have their own bearing and is worthy of focus and attention, the other side of the coin brings a different perspective that is instrumental in broadening one’s understanding towards this particular issue. 

First off, online casinos are not meant to cripple the operations of brick and mortar casinos. This simply serves as an alternative, most especially to players who barely have the luxury of time to travel and enjoy their favorite casino games. Moreover, it cannot be denied that there are members who will always go for the (actual) experience of entering a huge and posh establishment clad with stunning dealers and filled with the never-ending buzz of slot machines. 

Although, online casinos are trying to bridge that gap or rather, fill that void via providing live rooms, still, one cannot immediately disregard the population of land-based casino patrons, who are willing to spend effort and time just to have a feel of the glamorous Las Vegas strip atmosphere. 

It is also important to note that there are members, who simply sees online casinos as their practice area— a dugout, in the event where they want to familiarize themselves with the ins and outs of the industry long before they participate into a casino tournament.

Lastly, as with the issue of accessibility, but of course, casino sites will always look into the registrant’s age and even ask for documentary evidence to prove it. These sites shall not compromise their license just because a minor wants to have his gaming fix addressed. 

Amidst the above-mentioned controversies, clearly, the fear of online casinos is no more than a hyped perspective blown out of proportion.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Online Casino Bonus Malaysia - iAgencyNet

Bonus hunting is a popular practice in the online casino industry. For some, this is a way of earning income without shelling too much. But the biggest question in this case is its corresponding effects to online casinos and to the players.
Bonus hunting explained

Bonus hunting, or sometimes called as bonus bagging and bonus whoring, happens when a player takes a bonus and immediately makes a withdrawal after satisfying the wagering requirement. A player profits from this scheme since only a small percentage of his or her money was used for the game. It is believed that this practice began in Denmark.

 How does bonus hunting work?

There is no special recipe or unusual approach to bonus hunting. A player looks for online casinos that have the best offer. Usually, these are online gambling sites with large rewards, but small wagering requirement. Oftentimes, they would place safe bets on games that have a low house edge. As mentioned, the moment that the wagering requirements are met, they would immediately withdraw all their winnings instead of playing for another round.

Unfortunately, some players tend to abuse the bonuses offered by online casinos. Some would go to the extent of creating multiple accounts to get higher cash. Due to this online casinos have to impose stringent measures in preventing wide-scale abuse.

Actions taken by online casinos

In a way, bonus hunting pushed online casinos to increase their wagering requirement. Yet, even if the wagering requirement remains the same, online casinos have sophisticated programs that can track players who are into bonus hunting.

On a lighter note, despite of gaining negative reputation, it is because of bonus hunting that online casinos continue to develop and formulate new and exciting promotions that would entice each and every player.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Why Online Casino Slot Gaming is Popular - iAgencyNet

The ability to win big at slot games and have a lot of fun contribute to slot machine popularity. Jackpot payoffs also contribute to a love for slots.

If there was one image that pops into most people's mind when the subject of casinos is brought up, it would be the slot machine. Among the reasons for this would be the fact slots machines are easily the most popular of all gaming to take part in. This is not only true with the traditional brick and mortar casinos, it is also true with the new world of virtual casinos.

What is it about slots that makes them so popular?

There are quite a few reasons why online slots draw the attention of so many gamblers. Probably the most common reason would be that slot machines are easy to play. All someone wishing to win at slots has to do is credit a monetary amount to the spin and engage the virtual handle by pushing a button. Such ease of play also contributes to ease of access. There are no complicated rules to learn and, really, there are no decisions to make other than selecting a particular machine and deciding on a wagering amount. Again, that makes it really easy for anyone interested in wagering to do so.

The iconic nature of slot machines is also something that should never be overlooked. Slots have a long and rich history. In addition to the scores of avid gamers that love to play slots, there are those that may be major poker or blackjack players that will sometimes give slot play a try. Other than roulette, there are not many other games people will be interested in trying their luck with. This includes other relatively easy games of chance.

The look of many slot machines are visually appealing. One overlooked truth about casino gaming is 
that it can be a great deal of fun. The aesthetics of a particular virtual slot may incorporate a theme that makes playing at the machine very enjoyable. There is a good reason why so many unique and entertaining themes are weaved into the design of slot machines. Looks and style do count for a lot with many players.

Certainly, the ability to win a great deal of money at the slot machines will contribute to the enormous popularity of the games. In addition to the direct payoffs from the individual slot machines, it is possible to win at jackpots the slot games have been intertwined. Some of these jackpots are quite lucrative in the amount of money they offer. The ability to win huge on a jackpot definitely will make slots incredibly popular.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

iAgencyNet Casino Tips - How To Be Smart in Playing Baccarat ?

For those of you who don’t know, Baccarat (the “t” is silent) is a game for the high rolling, high buy in, sophisticated set – or at least it used to be.

To play Baccarat, the dealer deals two cards to two different “players”, the banker and the player. The game is won when you bet who’s (banker or player) hand will come the closest to 9. In Baccarat, cards have different values than in poker. Each of the cards 1-9 are face value, but face cards (Jack, Queen, King) have no value. If the banker is dealt a 5 and a 6, the total is 11, but any value over 9 has 10 subtracted from it so the banker, in reality, has a 1. The cards are dealt until someone reaches 9.

If either the banker or player is dealt an 8 or 9, that hand automatically wins. Winnings are even bet. When you want to win at Baccarat, there is one tip that will help you walk away with money every time. The GREATEST Baccarat strategy tip EVER is to be smart with your money!

Bet low, make sure to keep track of that 5% commission on the banker’s bet, and take the house bet.

Take the bet with the lowest risk. Sure, betting on a tie has the biggest payout, but it also has the biggest house advantage of more than 15%. When you bet low and take fewer risks, the chances of you walking away with some cash is higher.

When you bet on the banker and win, you have to pay a 5% commission to the house. Since this commission isn’t due until you leave the table, you need to keep track of how much you owe. If you owe $400 in commissions to the casino but you lose and are left with only $100, you will find yourself writing a check to the house. Make sure that you at least have enough to pay the commission.

When you bet with the house, you are betting with a “player” that is cautious and very good at making smart money decisions. The best Baccarat strategy is to think like the house; what would the house do, how much would the house bet, when would the house walk away?

Baccarat is a fun game that doesn’t take much skill, but you’ll need to find a casino that offers Baccarat at the lower buy in tables or you’ll find yourself shut out or spending more than you intended just to sit down.

NOW... iAgencyNet offers you various brands of casino, choose your favorite brand and play with it, GOOD LUCK!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

iAgencyNet Casino Tips - Useful Gambling Tips, Tricks & Secrets

The general idea of both land-based gambling as well as online casino gambling is, naturally, to make a profit, as would any profit-seeking business. The trick casinos play, however, is to give odds and games that at the very least seem fair so as to entice the player to come back time and time again.

This may sound as though the scales are tipped unbelievably in favor of the casino, but this is untrue. Contrary to popular consensus, reputable casinos do offer fair odds, but what most good players know is that if you discover a few secrets, you can beat the casino at its own game!

Firstly, iAgencyNet have far less overhead costs and therefore they can afford to offer higher Jackpots and more frequent payouts. There are loads of online casinos these days, because virtual gambling sites are much cheaper to run then land-based casinos. This creates lots of competition amount online casinos which is very good for online gamblers. In an attempt to attract new players many online casinos will offer welcome bonuses and regular promotions. The odds at online casinos are always much better than those found at land based casinos.

The online casino games which offer the best winning odds can be found at the online video poker and online roulette tables.

In Jacks Or Better, it is normally advisable to keep a hand that pays out. There are, however, exceptions like Three Card Royal Flushes & Four Card Flushes. If there is nothing worth money in your hand, try to keep any two high suited cards and discard any high unsuited cards.

Secondly, in Jokers' Wild it is highly important to remember that only a King and an Ace are high cards, because this is a Kings Or Better game. If you get a Joker, hold on to it, because you will probably not see one for too many rounds again. Lastly, just remember that a Straight Flush has a very good payout and it happens quite a lot more than in Jacks Or Better...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Online Casinos And Many Bonuses They Offer - iAgencyNet

The enticing glitz and invigorating ambience of the casinos in Las Vegas, Monaco, or Macao make them real havens for the most avid punters. But in recent years, online casinos seem to be writing new history as they are already winning gamers over. How did this happen? They offer convenience, variety, and above all, great bonuses. The following are some of the basic bonuses that online casinos offer to their customers.

 Sign-up and welcome bonuses

In order to get hold of a good number of players, online casinos offer welcome bonuses—incentives that provide gamers with an initial pay upon their registration with the promise of playing their games regularly as a return. This provides advantage to both parties: the casino obtains a potentially ‘loyal’ customer and the customer earns prize even before he or she enters a betting session.

No-Deposit Bonus

This type of bonus works more advantageously to players. A no-deposit bonus simply allows them to play online games and earn prizes if they win without having the need to make a deposit up front.

Loyalty Bonus

Players who regularly play in online casinos will have a reward in the long run, in the form of loyalty bonuses. Most online casinos offer VIP programs to players who utilize their service in a regular basis. They are rewarded with extra points as they progress in their casino stint and when the ripe time comes, they will be promoted to VIP level—a status for players who are given the chance to earn more lucrative bonuses than what they are getting from their regular sessions.

High Roller Bonus

The most loyal players are duly rewarded for their passionate patronage. The same system applies to customers who make huge bets in their every gaming round.

Cash-back Bonus

Online casinos understand that customers flock to their portals with just one important aim: to win. If players fail to earn any jackpot or lose so much of their money, online casinos will give them a cash-back bonus based on a certain percentage of their original or total wagers.

Interested in earning these bonuses from online casinos? Register an account now at iAgencyNet and witness your casino investment soar beyond your home’s ceiling!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Online Casino :Trivia Bits For Keen Players

Are you a passionate online casino player? Or at least interested on how such a cash portal works? You might want to boost your knowledge about electronic gaming. Here are tidbits of information you may not know about online casinos.

  • Online gaming can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As long as restrictions are put off, availing the service can be done anytime, anywhere.
  • Most games in land-based casinos have virtual counterparts in online portals. Search for poker, baccarat, blackjack, slots, or roulette; you will have a very wide selection of games to choose from.
  • Online casinos can be accessed via mobile applications. Just make sure that your mobile software is able to carry out the functions needed in high-end e-gaming.
  • In 2008 alone, worldwide revenues from online gaming soared to a record $21 billion. That is roughly equal to the 2011 national economies of Bahamas, Haiti, and Moldova combined!
  • Many regions in the world have local games or popular sports integrated in the catalog of online casinos. These include mahjong, dominoes, bowling, billiards, and checkers.
  • The online gaming industry offers more generous welcome bonuses, promotions, and Players Club points than land-based casinos.
  • Online gambling houses vaunt accurate slot payouts that are audited and posted at their sites in real-time.
  • Good news for first-time players, online casinos offer a pressure-free gaming session in that they do not pose the discomfort of players needing to face high intimidation from veteran gamblers. This is very common in land-based casinos.

Sign up with iAgencyNet now to know more about the online gaming industry and how you could tap into the opportunities they offer