Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Live Dealer Roulette Rules And Strategy

The roulette wheel has long since become one of the most popular casino icon’s and is considered extremely recognizable, even among people that have never been to a casino.  Everyone knows what Roulette is.  While everyone may know what Roulette is, not everyone has played the game or knows the ins and outs of the game.  Online Live Dealer Roulette is an extremely popular game and is a very straightforward game to learn.  With live dealer interaction, and real time sound and video, you get all the thrills of playing Roulette at a real table in a land based casino.

Objective of game:  To predict accurately where on the Roulette Wheel the ball will end up.
Online Live Dealer Roulette Terminology:

Inside Bet:  A bet which is placed on the inside of the Roulette table.
The following types of bets are included in inside bets:  strait up, split, street, square, five number and six number bets.

Outside Bet:  A bet which is placed on the outside of the Roulette table.  The following types of bets are included in outside bets:  column bets, dozen bets, and even money bets.

Strait up or Single:  Placing a bet on a single number square.  Payoff is 35:1

Split:  Placing a bet on any two numbers by placing your bet on the line between them.  Payoff is 17:1

Street:  Placing a bet on a row of three numbers by placing your bet at the end of a row.  Payoff is  11:1

Trio:  Placing a bet on three numbers at their intersecting point.  Payoff is 11:1.

Corner:  Wagering on four numbers by placing your bet at their intersection point.  Payoff is 8:1

Square:  A bet on four numbered squares.

Line:  Place a bet on two ‘streets’ of numbers by placing your bet at the end of both rows, on the line between the rows.  Payoff is 5:1

Dozen:  Betting that the ball will land on the first 12, second 12, or third 12 boxes, as marked, covering 12 numbers each.  Payoff is 2:1.

Column:  Placing a bet on a column that includes 12 numbered squares.

High or Low:  Betting that the ball will land on either the “low” box, marked 1 to 18, or the “high” box, marked 19 to 36.  Payoff is 1:1.

Red or Black:  Betting on which color will come up.  Zero or double zero does not count for either.  This type of bet is termed as an even money bet.  Payoff is 1:1.

Odd or Even:  Placing a bet as to whether the ball will land on an even or odd number.  Zero or double zero does not count for either.  This type of bet is termed as an even money bet.  Payoff is 1:1.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

4 Important Reasons Why Luck Hardly Help You In Casino Gaming

Winning because of pure luck is ephemeral. It does not last. In an instance, you win, but in the long run, you end up losing. Due to this, ask yourself whether luck is still instrumental in casino gaming. We have outlined four (4) reasons why you should stop relying at Lady Luck.

Master a game
You hardly need luck if you have game mastery. What is the use of luck if you can play online casino game even with eyes closed? Do you really think that luck can help when you are playign against tough oponnent.

Well, maybe you still need an ounce of it. However, this is not like before where your winnings largely depend on Lady Luck’s whims.

The knowledge that you gained from being exposed to different situations will help you identify the best moves and techniques.

Winnings based on luck are fleeting. Temporary and inconsistent, they do not last. When luck is the sole reason for winning, it takes some time before a player can have a winning experience again.

Consistency is not easy to achieve. Yet, with constant practice, it yields to long-term and stable results.

Make a strategy
You do not need luck mainly because you can formulate your own strategy. More than anyone else, you know which technique works for you. Besides, there are various sites that help you create a strategy. Disregard the idea of buying betting systems or searching for programs that tamper casino clients. These are futile efforts. Do it the right way, not the easy way.

Take advantage of the information
Luck makes you a short-term winner. But if you have the knowledge and attained the necessary skills, winning streaks become too ordinary. So what will you do?

With the large volume of information scattered in the World Wide Web, this is enough to help you win. Use this data and guides to your advantage.

Luck is an important part of playing the latest online casino. It works, but only for the initial stages of your gaming activity. Or maybe if you are still a newbie. Yet, as time goes by, it is evident that luck’s influence cannot topple that of experience and strategy.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beginning in the Online Casino World

The online casino industry is one of the most competitive markets in the entire Internet. Every passing week you can find news of innovative coming games, sometimes even technological breakthroughs. With more money being invested continuously, the quantity of games has astronomically increased over the last years. Today, a player can select from hundreds of different gaming experiences, leaving the online casino industry on the peak of its game.

With the social perception towards online casino gaming changing, every day new players join the fun of a casino experience that doesn’t require the player to leave their home. It isn’t enough for online casinos to have good games and a smooth interface to attract new players, so promotions are constantly being thrown at any opportunity. The catch is to have a good promotional eye, to spot the best deals out there. The thing about being new, is knowing where to start, topic we will cover now.

We all were novices

If you are new to the online casino experience, don’t be afraid. We all were newbies at some activity. It can sure be daunting to face the enormous quantity of games and promotions, but it all a matter of practice and enjoyment. At iAgencyNet we believe the best game to start your online casino experience, is with the online slots. Slots don’t require much knowledge and with their fun and colourful interface, you will surely be entertained. There aren't tricks or gigantic rules to memorize, so you can just sit and click your way through.  If you lose, you just bet again and if you win, you can quickly bet again to continue playing. Of course, there are some ways to improve your chances, but you can perfectly do without them.

Personalized experience

Something that makes slots stand from all other online casino games, are their variety. You can find lots of different slots with their own mechanics. May it be Progressive Slots, Themed Slots, even the adrenaline inducing HighRoller Slots. As we said before, the online casino market has become so big you will surely find an experience that suits you.

Just remember to open your mind and don’t taking the activity too seriously. Online casino game are made to have fun. If you notice yourself more comfortable and daring, you can take the wagering to another level. Always use spare money, organize yourself and then start the betting. Online slots are the perfect place to start, as you can do really small bets and, if you are lucky enough… win a mega jackpot.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The 4 Benefits Of Live Chats In Online Casino

One of the ways and perhaps, the best ways to contact an online casino is through their live chat. It is fast, easy and you are assured that you are talking to real people.

Direct feedback
iAgencyNet’s support representatives deliver fast feedback. The team understands there are questions that need to be answered immediately.

Should you have any issues that you want to resolve or to address as soon as possible, get all the answers that you want in a single click. Have all the solutions that you need in real-time.

Talk to humans
The chat support system confirms that you are dealing with real humans and not just mere robots programmed to give scripted spiels.

The system assures that all expert and competent individuals handle all your queries. To test whether you are indeed, speaking to an expert, you can ask a specific question.

Whether it is about slot machines, live casino or other casino game—no matter how trivial it may seem, the iAgencyNet's staff is always there to assist you.

Not prone to misunderstanding or confusion
The good thing about immediate feedback is it lessens the player’s burden instantly. Players receive answers that are direct to the point and tackle their respective problems.

For players who have follow-up questions, they can easily throw it at the chat representatives. They do not have to wait for too long. They do not have to spend too much time as if they are stuck in a tough battle. Feasible solutions are delivered on the spot as if they played past through rival casino players.

No need to use toll-free phones
Chart support systems such as that of iAgencyNet's saves you from using toll-free phones. This means fewer expenses on your part.

Do you have a question that needs fast answers? Talk to iAgencyNet's chat representatives and let them help you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kwin Gaming Account for Malaysian Players

The Great Blue slots take you to a one of a kind underwater experience filled with big prizes and surprises. This 5-reel 25-line slots is equipped with dynamic graphics that perfectly capture the beauty of marine life.

Winning in Great Blue
The game’s objective is to form a winning combination after spinning the reels.

Orca or the blackfish is known for being a killer whale, but not in this particular game. As a matter of fact, you will love it if you see the orca symbol for it is the most anticipated wild symbol. It will automatically replace all other symbols, except for the scatter.

Pearl is one of the precious gems that you will find under the sea. The same thing is true for this game. Pearl in this case, acts as the game’s scatter symbol. It substitutes the other symbols placed beside it.

Bonus features that you will love
One of the game’s bonus features is the 2X multiplier. The wild symbol or the orca symbol does this for you. When this happens all your winnings will immediately double. It will turn your €300 winnings to €600 in a snap! Moreover, if you get five (5) of these along the payline, you will win the 10,000 jackpot.

The pearl or the scatter symbol is also another bonus feature that will boost your winnings. Aside from the fact that it replaces all other symbols, this also act as the 2X, 5X, 20X and even a 500X multiplier if you get 2 to 5 of them. This also triggers the bonus round where you get eight (8) free spins and a 2X multiplier.

Each time you win, you activate the “gamble” feature. When you see this prompt, you have the option to bet all your winnings and increase them. You simply need to choose between the red and black button.

Meanwhile, if you want to secure your winnings, all you have to do is click the “collect” button.

Playing in iAgencyNet Casino
There is no better way to enjoy the Great Blue slots game than playing it here in iAgencyNet Casino. We have a range of promotions that will surely increase your funds. Other than your winnings, you will also get a bonus  from our iAgencyNet Casino promotions.
Start playing Great Blue in iAgencyNet Casino. Here you are a GUARANTEED WINNER!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

iAgencyNet 's Online Casinos - The new era of Casino

The latest place where Internet has established their domain is Casinos. Now we have online casinos that cater to the need of card and dice lovers. In the time where mostly everybody has a busy schedule and there is no time to visit Casinos then people can visit these sites and can enjoy the same games that they are fond of.

Internet gambling is very fast, convenient and very easy and that seems to the reason why they have gained so much publicity of late. The art and passion for gambling is not new but this internet version has given it a new life and has rekindled the interest among the society.

This technology, the internet and computers have made it possible for people to enjoy the pleasures of casinos without affecting their personal life. Another added advantage is that you can play the games without risking your money. You can play from the comfort of your home without the stressful and the noisy environment of the casino. You also don’t have to wait for your turn. You just have to turn on your computer, fire up an internet connection and all that there to it. There is no pressure around you when you are playing since all the players are also virtual entities What’s more there are many sites who actually give tutorials while playing the game.Internet casinos are better than the real ones because here you have an option to play for free until you are confident enough to play with real money. All the games which are played at a real casino are offered here also.

Like Blackjack, poker, slots, roulette, online casino and many more. Also there are many online websites that give you free coaching about the games. These contain many tips and tricks to win against much more experienced opponents.Choosing a reputed websites needs some searching and the best way to get these is by reading reviews about different websites and the services they provide. Some of them provide simulations and these can get you adjusted to the games there, before you start playing for real.All in all these online casinos have triggered a big change in the world and increased the popularity of gambling to an unprecedented level. And it seems the popularity is going to increase more than possible.Are you ready to get into the Online Casino action? Head over to http://www.iagencynet.com/casino/ and play at a state of the art online casino today!

Monday, June 3, 2013

iAgencyNet- One stop online gaming site

iAgencyNet is the agency that you can rely on as we have a strong support network of credible and licensed online gaming sites. Setting up accounts for these international online gaming sites is made easier and safer with iAgencyNet.
We have been providing individuals with fast and hassle free access to various global online gaming sites while remaining absolutely anonymous since 2003. Popular facilities including Asian Odds, Live Casino, Card Games, Horse Racing and International Sporting Events are provided for our valued customers.
With iAgencyNet, you are able to feel confident with your transactions with us as we are a reputable agency with management that has decades of valuable experience in the online gaming industry. We offer the widest range of leading international online gaming sites and you are able to enjoy in the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world.
Our Customer Service Representatives are always available to assist you in any way possible, including account enquiries, depositing or withdrawing funds or general assistance.
Entrust the opening of your online gaming accounts with us.